
José V. Toledo Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Project Overview

MFS is provided construction management services for CHW Grooved Piping Fitting Repair at Jose V. Toledo Federal Office Building & U.S.C.H for the General Services Administration (GSA), Caribbean Services Center.

MFS construction puerto rico contractors
MFS construction toledo courthouse
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Project Details

The Jose V. Toledo Courthouse was the first significant federal building in Puerto Rico. This project consisted of non-evasive demolition and exploration to access piping to be serviced with minimal impact to building operations and the subsequent repair and/or remediation of decayed or damaged pipes, fittings, couplings, valves and carbon steel grooved pipe insulation. MFS provided full time construction management and a Quality Assurance/Quality Control plan throughout the duration of the project.


  • Client:
    General Services Administration

Services Provided

  • Our project managers understand the value of construction projects from planning, execution, controlling, and closely working as a team to achieve the project's goals.