Real Estate Development

NYCEDC Orchard Beach Pavilion Reconstruction

Bronx, NY

Project Overview

MFS (MFS) performed construction services on the Orchard Beach Pavilion Reconstruction Project in Bronx, NY. MFS took an active role in improving existing area conditions in a manner that was economically responsible and environmentally sustainable. MFS’ responsibilities during the project involved supporting inspectors studying the structural integrity of the pavilion. Specifically, MFS spearheaded dewatering, test pit, and borehole drilling operations. MFS coordinated with Marvel Architects and the NYCDPR to inspect the state of the building’s structural integrity and pile foundations.

Bronx, NY

Project Details

In the dewatering operation, MFS pumped out water inside the pavilion’s Boiler and Fan Rooms, and stored the water in five (5) 21,000-gallon frac tanks. Doing this allowed inspectors to study the structural integrity of those two rooms. In preparing for this operation, MFS completed the required NYCDEP permit process and made provisions to ensure that pumped water was disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. MFS also performed investigative operations involving test pits, during which twelve (12) locations were excavated in the pavilion. Test pit excavations allowed inspectors to access and study the strength and integrity of the foundation’s pilings and footings. Following the completion of inspectors’ analyses, MFS backfilled each test pit and restored the previously existing asphalt and paver bricks respectively.

MFS provided drilling services necessary for the boring of two holes by utilizing a truck-mounted drilling rig. With assistance from geotechnical logging sub-consultants, MFS confirmed the location of the pilings and verified that they had reached into the bedrock. MFS performed parallel seismic testing to confirm as-built pile embedment depths were accurate.

Throughout the project’s duration, MFS took a proactive approach in its coordination efforts with Marvel Architects and with the NYCDPR. Effective communication played an essential role in the project’s successful completion, helping ensure operations ran smoothly and consequences from unexpected circumstances were minimized. From start to finish, MFS adhered to safety protocol, which included but were not limited to traffic protection, confined spaces protection, fume prevention within the pavilion, existing utilities monitoring, and supervision of shoring procedures. Safety procedures were a priority for MFS as we diligently assured the protection of laborers, park employees, and the public at large.


  • Owner:
    New York City Economic Development Corp. (NYCEDC)

Services Provided

  • We have extensive experience providing construction management services to the construction industry in the public and private market sectors to a diverse clientele, including developers, state and government agencies, architects, engineers, and contractors. ​Our multiple discipline expertise and leading edge in-house professional technical ability enables us to offer invaluable solutions to our diverse client needs.
  • Our drillers are capable of performing geotechnical drilling for all types of markets and environments.