
Estudio Suelos Hospital Psiquiátrico

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Project Overview

MFS Consulting, LLC was contracted by the Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority (AFI) to provide geotechnical drilling and professional engineering services in support of De Vuelta a la Vida facilities expansions located at Dr. Ramón Ruiz Arnau Hospital in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. The soil study of the lots was required for the design development of expansions of the building and the new multilevel parking.

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San Juan, Puerto Rico

Project Details

The project consisted of carrying out a geotechnical investigation at eight drilling sites. The work in lot #1 included five borings in the proposed multi-level parking lot with a capacity of 450 parking spaces; and in lot #2 three borings in the new building, which was attached to an existing five-story building.

The task executed included drilling of eight borings to the depths of 35-50 feet for a total of 308 lineal feet of drilling. The tasks were executed using augers and obtained samples every five feet. Safety measurements were in place according to site information and other physical observations for samples, were selected samples to carried out laboratory tests to bring additional information to the geotechnical engineer. The geotechnical team prepared a report with their findings and recommendations for the proposed constructions.


  • Owner:
    Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority (AFI)

Services Provided

  • Our drillers are capable of performing geotechnical drilling for all types of markets and environments.